
Method Overview

De-scription, part of the Ethics for Designers Toolkit, consists of a worksheet that enables a designer duo to deconstruct existing designs and train their moral sensitivity as a designer.

Example of a completed worksheet available from the method website.

Getting Started

Materials: Worksheet from the toolkit website, pens, an example product 

Participants: Team (Designer Duo)

Steps (from the Ethics for Designers website):

Using the worksheet, do the following steps:

  1. Describe the ‘WHAT’ of the design. Use the questions on the template.
  2. Describe the ‘HOW’ of the design. Use this to determine the script: Like the script of a movie or a theater play, an artifact can ‘prescribe’ its users how to act when they use it. Write this down.
  3. Describe the ‘WHY’ of the design. Use this to determine the underlying worldview.  Write this down.

This methods microsite is based off of analysis which is available in a preprint manuscript. Feel free to review our methodology and other details! We welcome your comments and feedback ! Please also use this form if you would like to suggest a method as an addition to the collection!