The Oracle of Transfeminist Technologies

Method Overview

The Oracle of Transfeminist Technologies is a generative series of design contexts presented as cards, intended for designers to draw inspiration from and design with a visionary transfeminist perspective.

Example of the method cards available as a set from the project website.

Getting Started

Materials: Set of The Oracle of Transfeminist Technologies cards (or images from the project website)

Participants: Individual/Team

Steps (from the transfeministech website):

  1. Select a tarot card relevant to your design work and goals.
  2. Ideate design opportunities through the card’s transfeminist lens.
  3. Incorporate into your future design work and perspective.

This methods microsite is based off of analysis which is available in a preprint manuscript. Feel free to review our methodology and other details! We welcome your comments and feedback ! Please also use this form if you would like to suggest a method as an addition to the collection!