Design Fiction Memos

Design fiction memos is a method designed to help practitioners to simulate how the values and ethical positions uncovered from their qualitative research findings can be actuated in practical scenarios. It also enables practitioners to explore the power and impact of organizational authority on their work.

Design with Intent

Design with Intent is a toolkit card deck and worksheet set, designed for a team of practitioners to approach design and research through intentional exploration of people’s behavior across digital and physical spaces and objects.

Envisioning Cards

Envisioning Cards are a set of thirty-two cards that help practitioners to consider the future impact of new technology on the larger community as well as neighbors and friends. This also helps practitioners to examine the entire lifecycle of a product. It used these five lenses to assist in this Read more…

Moral Agent

A game within the Ethics for Designers Toolkit consisting of various components such as moral value cards, name cards, and an overview of moral values, designed for a team of designers to generate ideas while considering a set of values.