Data Ethics Canvas
A worksheet questionnaire and action plan, designed for industry teams or individuals to evaluate their work in the context of data ethics and avoid abusing data in their current and future projects.
A worksheet questionnaire and action plan, designed for industry teams or individuals to evaluate their work in the context of data ethics and avoid abusing data in their current and future projects.
Ethical Disclaimer is a part of the Ethics for Designers Toolkit consisting of a worksheet, designed for a team of designers and stakeholders to speculate and identify unethical situations that will result from the designs through reflective questions and frame your responsibilities through the design.
Co-design activities and processes that emphasize long(er) term anticipatory futures with implications for multiple and future generations.
A design method that empowers designers to connect more with the sociocultural context of the user as a means of stimulating empathy for the user and to adequately foreground the problems they might be facing.
Monitoring Checklist is a product auditing method that helps product owners to evaluate and monitor the ethical impact of their shipped product on their users.
Layers of Effect is a method designed to assist designers to evaluate the primary and secondary levels as well as forecast “unintended” as tertiary levels of effects of their product. The end goal is to help designers to re-frame the design of their product.
Inspired by Maslow’s Hierarchy model, the goal of this method is to help designers identify both positive and negative impacts of their product on the users.
Dichotomy mapping is a framework that helps designers to map and evaluate contrasting aspects—“harmful” and “beneficial”—of each of their design features.
Tarot Cards of Tech is a set of provocative considerations presented as cards, designed for technology professionals to more deeply consider the impact of their work and to prevent unintended negative impacts.
Design with Intent is a toolkit card deck and worksheet set, designed for a team of practitioners to approach design and research through intentional exploration of people’s behavior across digital and physical spaces and objects.
A design technique that allows designers to explore privacy features they should integrate into the design of a digital product right from the development phase of the product.
A research method for value discovery, identifying how values were first identified and how these values impacted later design decisions by visualizing the interplay of identified values.
The Inclusive Design Toolkit is a collection of digital resources and products, designed for professionals to implement inclusive design practices in relation to vision, hearing, thinking, reach/dexterity, and mobility in their workplace practices. Example of elements to consider when evaluating inclusive design practices from the toolkit website.
A software application that helps designers and technology practitioners think through challenging ethical scenarios when developing products.
Playfully reflect on new technologies within design using privacy, ethics, law and security themed cards.
A worksheet within the Ethics for Designers Toolkit, designed for a team of designers and stakeholders to map value priorities, concerns, and effects of your existing design.
A worksheet within the Ethics for Designers Toolkit, designed for a team of designers to shape, brainstorm, and formulate their design goals for a product through different ethical theories.
Speculative Enactments is a method that allows designers to enact possible future technology outcomes with users to explore how the participants’ reactions to consequences of the enactments.
Use a stakeholder analysis to map direct and indirect stakeholders, organizations, institutions, groups, and societies affected by technology. Based on this mapping, list potential harms, benefits, or tensions relating to different stakeholder relationships.
The Ethical Design Scorecard is an assessment technique that is designed to help practitioners investigate the ethical implications of their products and services. The method employs a weighted assessment criteria to determine the ethical implications of different criteria and provides information on areas that require improvement and those that are Read more…
Examine your product or service from a list of perspectives in order to identify, mitigate and account for the actual and potential adverse impact of your solution.
Values at Play presents initial steps toward the development of a systematic methodology for discovery, analysis, and integration of values in technology design.
Judgment Call the Game is a team-based game that centers on Microsoft’s principles of ethics, designed for technology professionals to further understand the ethical implications of product work and implement their findings into future work.
Investigate and analyze the ethical implications in your research and innovation projects with your team using a straightforward collaborative tool.
GenderMag enables software practitioners to find gender-inclusivity “bugs” in their software, and then fix the bugs they find. The core of the GenderMag Method is a gender-specialized cognitive walkthrough and a set of GenderMag personas that focus on five cognitive factors in problem-solving styles.
A guidebook of principles and steps designed to help industry individuals and teams generate designs from a new perspective centered around ethical design principles and practices.