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All Methods
Re-Shape: A Method to Teach Data Ethics for Data Science Education
Multi-Lifespan Co-Design
Multi-Lifespan Timeline
Model for Informed Consent Online
Metaphor Cards
Empathic Walkthrough: Idea Generation Through Empathy
Design Fiction Memos
Monitoring Checklist
Hippocratic Oath
Time-lines: A World-Building Activity for Values Advocacy
Layers of Effect
Maslow Mirrored
Dichotomy Mapping
The Oracle of Transfeminist Technologies
Tarot Cards of Tech
Microsoft’s Inclusive Design Toolkit
Motivation Matrix
Inverted Behavior Model
Data Ethics Canvas
Co-Evolve Technology and Social Structure
I want to align my team in addressing difficult decisions.
I want to apply specific values in my design work.
I want to better understand my responsibility as a designer.
I want to evaluate my design outcomes.
I want to figure out how to break my design work.
I want to have additional perspectives about my users.
Empathic Walktrhough: Idea Generation Through Empathy
Monitoring Checklist
Hippocratic Oath
Time-Lines: A World-Building Activity for Values Advocacy
Maslow Mirrored
The Oracle of Transfeminist Technologies
Motivation Matrix
360 Review
Inclusive Design Toolkit
Scenario Co-Creation Cards
Direct and Indirect Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder Tokens
Value Sketch
Value-Oriented Semi-Structured Interview
Design for Social Accessibility Method Cards
Value Scenario
Judgement Call The Game
Adversary Personas
I want to identify appropriate values to drive my design work.
Re-Shape: A Method to Teach Data Ethics for Data Science Education
Multi-Lifespan Co-Design
Model for Informed Consent Online
Design Fiction Memos
Time-lines: A World-Building Activity for Values Advocacy
Microsoft’s Inclusive Design Toolkit
Ethical Disclaimer
In-Action Ethics
Moral Value Map
Scenario Co-Creation Cards
Stakeholder Tokens
Value-Oriented Semi- Structured Interview
Values at Play
Value Scenario
More Methods
360 Review
Blackmirror Brainstorming
Design with Intent
Diverse Voices
Eliciting Values Reflections by Engaging Privacy Futures Using Design Workbooks
Envisioning Cards
Ethical Contract
Ethical Disclaimer
Inclusive Design Toolkit
Making an Ethical Decision
Moral Agent
Moral and Legal Decks
Moral Value Map
Normative Design Scheme
Scenario Co-Creation Cards
Security Cards
Security Fictions
Speculative Enactments
Stakeholder Tokens
The Ethical Design Scorecards for Digital Teams
The Ethics and Inclusion Framework
Value Sensitive Action Reflection Model
Value Sketch
Value-Oriented Mock-Up, Prototype, or Field Deployment
Value-Oriented Semi-Structure Interview
Design for Social Accessibility Method Cards
Judgment Call The Game
Ethics Canvas
White Hat Design Patterns
Adversary Personas